Metaphysics Course

This blog has essays from the Metaphysics Courses offered through the Universal Life Church. We have a variety of courses that are available in the area of metaphysics.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Metaphysics Course

Grounding and Protection

I am so impressed with the Spirit Quest Course I have just completed. I have been a practicing professional Psychic Medium for several years now and have had a radio show for the past year. I have never really found that I needed to have an actual ritual so to speak to ground myself. I have a very strict contract with my spirit guides about protection and they have done quite well. I never have any problems with negative energy of any kind. I just do not tolerate it. Several months back we had some major changes in the radio show that were not so pleasant and I had to go on under difficult circumstances. I really felt the negative energy during the first segment so at break I decided to do a little meditation. I grounded myself, filled a rose with all the negative energy and tension and then brought in the golden sun. Wow, what a difference. The next segment the show really flowed and the air felt a lot lighter.

I am a teacher and have always taught my students to ground and protect themselves but not in the way this course used.

I began every weekly class with a meditation. One week I decided to try the grounding and protection meditation that I learned and the feedback was wonderful. Many students commented that they noticed a difference in their readings and they really felt the baggage they brought to class that night was gone. Now the protection rose is one of my favorite ways to ease the tension in my everyday life as well as clear unwanted energy after a busy days work.

This course was well written, easy to understand and the examples given were great. I have recommended it to all of my students.

Thank you,

Marisa Ryan

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