A Course in Miracles It always is fascinating when I read about the ego in metaphysics. I am always reminded of when I first listened to Eckhart Tolle, on Oprah Winfrey, regarding the book A New Earth. By now we know that the ego, is part of our energy body, and it is, in fact, a false self. While it is easy to become mindful of our own egotistical mannerisms, it is not easy to break them. Many times, we become attached to a pattern of using the word, "I" or "mine". Lesson 2 teaches that The ego is the part of us that says I'm me and you're you. It also reiterates that a strong, balanced ego is necessary for getting along in this world. The hidden goal, in this life, is to create a balance between our strong ego, necessary for getting along in this world, and the other ego, that causes sudden success in the mind, then failure. The over-inflated ego causes us to be judgmental. We must create a deflation by abolishing old patterns. The patterns are habits, which began at a younger age, or are embedded into our intellect by examples from outside forces, such as media. I'm never one to say that media is a poor influence, it isn't, but if used incorrectly, it can be, if allowed. Over-inflated egos cause rambling thoughts, and loudness in the cerebellum area of the brain. We can abolish older patterns that attach the over-inflated ego, by exercises. If an exercise is completed over a period of twenty-one days, it becomes a habit, or a way of thinking. One great way of demolishing the judgmental ego, is by stopping the overuse of the word "I". The example used here will be, "I've earned my doctorate in metaphysics. I've studied for over ten years. I will display the certificate that I earned during the twenty week course of studying. I feel that I've accomplished something that the average person does not accomplish, which in fact, I have." The ego becomes more judgmental, accusing the general population of being not as intelligent. That is the normal pattern of thought. Eventually, the ego takes over, causing the person to become more omnipotent. This is habitual. As metaphysicians, we don't speak of ourselves as greatness, as in the above paragraph states. We speak of ourselves in a smaller form, but nonetheless greater or lesser than anyone else, or equal. Others then, can emulate our mannerisms, and it becomes a transmittable, oral decree. By way of example, we pass the habit to others. This deflates the ego that chooses to be Right. This stops the demanding. Just by not using the word "I". We must be mindful of our words, if we choose to carry ourselves in the correct manner. We can still hold our head high, and be aware of all surroundings, and be present, but without the ego disruption. Now, when we explain our professional attributes, we can say, "I'm hanging my doctorate of metaphysics certificate on the wall. It took me ten years to go this route. My words will emulate what was learned. It's called leading by example." To prevent an under-inflated ego, we must also be very mindful, and create balance. Again, this has to do with thoughts and then, words. Our ego wants us to be saddened, to be grieved in situations that require us to be grieved. Our under inflated ego wants us to carry feelings of depression and guilt in our heads, in fact, it works to force us to believe ill-standing poor self esteem that the under-inflated ego possesses. As a metaphysics counselor of personal goals and grief, (actually, a very long title for Intuitive Counselor of Metaphysics), my goal is to teach the aspect of not holding onto grief, but letting go of the ego that presents itself in those feelings. To make a list of personal goals, and helping someone get to those goals by counseling and even tapping into energies not known to the one uneducated in this field, will help others with under inflated egos. Meditation, and thought patterns are mindful abilities that help, also. People become self absorbed, and this in turn damages the healthy ego. Our place as metaphysicians is to lead others by being less absorbed, and in turn, the transformation, in lesson 2, can become reality. Seeing through spiritual eyes is a great goal. Developing our third eye area is part of our spiritual eye, and we can show others and demonstrate our knowledge by not becoming self absorbed. The world is now open for us to turn the under-inflated or over-inflated egos of the earth, into balanced, quiet of rambling thoughts, thinking from higher mind, individuals. Imagine the shift this can create! --Rev. Rhonda Straw ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
This is information about the metaphysics course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
Metaphysics Course
This blog has essays from the Metaphysics Courses offered through the Universal Life Church. We have a variety of courses that are available in the area of metaphysics.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles It always is fascinating when I read about the ego in metaphysics. I am always reminded of when I first listened to Eckhart Tolle, on Oprah Winfrey, regarding the book A New Earth. By now we know that the ego, is part of our energy body, and it is, in fact, a false self. While it is easy to become mindful of our own egotistical mannerisms, it is not easy to break them. Many times, we become attached to a pattern of using the word, "I" or "mine". Lesson 2 teaches that The ego is the part of us that says I'm me and you're you. It also reiterates that a strong, balanced ego is necessary for getting along in this world. The hidden goal, in this life, is to create a balance between our strong ego, necessary for getting along in this world, and the other ego, that causes sudden success in the mind, then failure. The over-inflated ego causes us to be judgmental. We must create a deflation by abolishing old patterns. The patterns are habits, which began at a younger age, or are embedded into our intellect by examples from outside forces, such as media. I'm never one to say that media is a poor influence, it isn't, but if used incorrectly, it can be, if allowed. Over-inflated egos cause rambling thoughts, and loudness in the cerebellum area of the brain. We can abolish older patterns that attach the over-inflated ego, by exercises. If an exercise is completed over a period of twenty-one days, it becomes a habit, or a way of thinking. One great way of demolishing the judgmental ego, is by stopping the overuse of the word "I". The example used here will be, "I've earned my doctorate in metaphysics. I've studied for over ten years. I will display the certificate that I earned during the twenty week course of studying. I feel that I've accomplished something that the average person does not accomplish, which in fact, I have." The ego becomes more judgmental, accusing the general population of being not as intelligent. That is the normal pattern of thought. Eventually, the ego takes over, causing the person to become more omnipotent. This is habitual. As metaphysicians, we don't speak of ourselves as greatness, as in the above paragraph states. We speak of ourselves in a smaller form, but nonetheless greater or lesser than anyone else, or equal. Others then, can emulate our mannerisms, and it becomes a transmittable, oral decree. By way of example, we pass the habit to others. This deflates the ego that chooses to be Right. This stops the demanding. Just by not using the word "I". We must be mindful of our words, if we choose to carry ourselves in the correct manner. We can still hold our head high, and be aware of all surroundings, and be present, but without the ego disruption. Now, when we explain our professional attributes, we can say, "I'm hanging my doctorate of metaphysics certificate on the wall. It took me ten years to go this route. My words will emulate what was learned. It's called leading by example." To prevent an under-inflated ego, we must also be very mindful, and create balance. Again, this has to do with thoughts and then, words. Our ego wants us to be saddened, to be grieved in situations that require us to be grieved. Our under inflated ego wants us to carry feelings of depression and guilt in our heads, in fact, it works to force us to believe ill-standing poor self esteem that the under-inflated ego possesses. As a metaphysics counselor of personal goals and grief, (actually, a very long title for Intuitive Counselor of Metaphysics), my goal is to teach the aspect of not holding onto grief, but letting go of the ego that presents itself in those feelings. To make a list of personal goals, and helping someone get to those goals by counseling and even tapping into energies not known to the one uneducated in this field, will help others with under inflated egos. Meditation, and thought patterns are mindful abilities that help, also. People become self absorbed, and this in turn damages the healthy ego. Our place as metaphysicians is to lead others by being less absorbed, and in turn, the transformation, in lesson 2, can become reality. Seeing through spiritual eyes is a great goal. Developing our third eye area is part of our spiritual eye, and we can show others and demonstrate our knowledge by not becoming self absorbed. The world is now open for us to turn the under-inflated or over-inflated egos of the earth, into balanced, quiet of rambling thoughts, thinking from higher mind, individuals. Imagine the shift this can create! --Rev. Rhonda Straw ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Friday, June 12, 2009
Spirit Quest
Master of Metaphysics essay by Rev. S. C. Hawkes I'm amazed at the amount of information I got from this course. I thought I was fairly well rounded in my knowledge of spirituality and using spiritual "tools" to help not only myself, but those who come to me for counseling and guidance. But the new tools I learned from this course have already begun to change not only the way I handle personal situations, but also in the way I counsel others, and I believe it has been well worth all I have put into it. I spent many years learning to meditate for my own personal reasons and I found it not only very relaxing but it also helped with healing, both physical and emotional. Due to a low back injury in 2000 I've been left partially disabled and in constant chronic pain and rather than depend on Rx'd narcotic pain meds, I use meditation to help keep the pain within tolerant levels. But the centering and additional grounding skills taught throughout this course have helped a great deal. I did find the process of constantly creating and destroying roses a bit too tedious for my particular needs, so instead I've simply developed my own sort of "armor" to shield myself from the negativity that seems to be constantly bombarding us all these days. My armor doesn't close me off completely from everything, it's very specific in it's purpose. I've designed it so that it acts more like a filter than true armor and it simply filters out the negative energies and allows the positives to flow on into me. This is the technique I've been trying to teach those I have been counseling. I found out quite by accident a few years ago that I am a natural healer. I had no idea I had such a gift until a good friend and co-worker was complaining one day about how much her back was hurting and I offered to rub her shoulders for her. She gladly accepted and as I was massaging her shoulders I suddenly "felt" her pain and somehow I seemed to know exactly where it was coming from and I use my hand to sort of trace the pain back to its source and as my hand stopped over the spot I had an urge to "pull the pain out" and she suddenly asked what I was doing. I had no idea really that I was doing anything in particular as it was almost unconcious effort so I asked her what she meant. She said it felt like I was sucking her toes out thru her shoulders and she could actually Feel something pulling and moving inside her up towards where my hand was. And when I took my hand away, I could feel the added weight of her pain in my arm and had to try to push it back out into the universe. She started moving around and said she didn't know what I'd done to her but that the pain was simply gone. The grounding and and other techniques taught in this course has allowed me to hone those healing skills and realize fully what it is I'm doing and how to control it, and better still how to rid myself of that additional pain and negativity once it's gotten in. Though I have only a very small following at this time, and I don't really consider it a congregation as yet, I do have plans to start a spiritual counseling center and try to put all the wonderful knowlage I've gained through the seminary programs here to good use helping my community. For the most part, I have been doing mainly weddings, baby namings, house blessings/cleansings and that sort of thing. But I have had more and more people coming to me for more personal counseling and I'm finding that I get such personal satisfaction and enjoyment out of helping others that I am more determined than ever to move forward with my plans to do this full time rather than as simply a side-line. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful knowledge with us and for putting together such an enlightening and insightful course. -- "Spiritual freedom means accepting the path that has been laid out for you by the universe and following it to your true destiny" Rev. S. C. Hawkes ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Spirit Quest
Master of Metaphysics essay by Rev. S. C. Hawkes I'm amazed at the amount of information I got from this course. I thought I was fairly well rounded in my knowledge of spirituality and using spiritual "tools" to help not only myself, but those who come to me for counseling and guidance. But the new tools I learned from this course have already begun to change not only the way I handle personal situations, but also in the way I counsel others, and I believe it has been well worth all I have put into it. I spent many years learning to meditate for my own personal reasons and I found it not only very relaxing but it also helped with healing, both physical and emotional. Due to a low back injury in 2000 I've been left partially disabled and in constant chronic pain and rather than depend on Rx'd narcotic pain meds, I use meditation to help keep the pain within tolerant levels. But the centering and additional grounding skills taught throughout this course have helped a great deal. I did find the process of constantly creating and destroying roses a bit too tedious for my particular needs, so instead I've simply developed my own sort of "armor" to shield myself from the negativity that seems to be constantly bombarding us all these days. My armor doesn't close me off completely from everything, it's very specific in it's purpose. I've designed it so that it acts more like a filter than true armor and it simply filters out the negative energies and allows the positives to flow on into me. This is the technique I've been trying to teach those I have been counseling. I found out quite by accident a few years ago that I am a natural healer. I had no idea I had such a gift until a good friend and co-worker was complaining one day about how much her back was hurting and I offered to rub her shoulders for her. She gladly accepted and as I was massaging her shoulders I suddenly "felt" her pain and somehow I seemed to know exactly where it was coming from and I use my hand to sort of trace the pain back to its source and as my hand stopped over the spot I had an urge to "pull the pain out" and she suddenly asked what I was doing. I had no idea really that I was doing anything in particular as it was almost unconcious effort so I asked her what she meant. She said it felt like I was sucking her toes out thru her shoulders and she could actually Feel something pulling and moving inside her up towards where my hand was. And when I took my hand away, I could feel the added weight of her pain in my arm and had to try to push it back out into the universe. She started moving around and said she didn't know what I'd done to her but that the pain was simply gone. The grounding and and other techniques taught in this course has allowed me to hone those healing skills and realize fully what it is I'm doing and how to control it, and better still how to rid myself of that additional pain and negativity once it's gotten in. Though I have only a very small following at this time, and I don't really consider it a congregation as yet, I do have plans to start a spiritual counseling center and try to put all the wonderful knowlage I've gained through the seminary programs here to good use helping my community. For the most part, I have been doing mainly weddings, baby namings, house blessings/cleansings and that sort of thing. But I have had more and more people coming to me for more personal counseling and I'm finding that I get such personal satisfaction and enjoyment out of helping others that I am more determined than ever to move forward with my plans to do this full time rather than as simply a side-line. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful knowledge with us and for putting together such an enlightening and insightful course. -- "Spiritual freedom means accepting the path that has been laid out for you by the universe and following it to your true destiny" Rev. S. C. Hawkes ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Friday, June 05, 2009
The Miracle of Prayer
Dr. of Spirituality Final Essay – The Miracle of Prayer Rev. Terri Zastovnik As I reflect on my life and its circumstances over the course of the last year and since the beginning of this course I have learned that the power of prayer truly does bring miracles. I have always felt that my prayer life was stable and that God truly does answer my prayers. In my earlier years as a young Christian I would find myself asking why God wasn't answering. Patience is but a virtue ...we all know that, but as humans we fall short daily with a common fault …lack of patience. And secondly, I would find myself questioning why my prayers weren't always answered with what I had put my faith in. Through this course I have learned so much more about my own prayer life. How consistent is it? What do I put into it? Am I offering thanks and praise to the Lord for the blessings that He has bestowed upon me? Am I thanking him for meeting my needs according to his word before receiving those blessings? A few years ago I purchased a small box for my husband. He was battling an illness and through it found his faith to be faltering. I asked him to pray with thanksgiving in his heart and to write those prayers/prayer requests down, put them in the box and leave them in God's hands. At the end of that year we went back through the box and to his amazement saw how God did bless and answer his prayers. As a Hospice Chaplain I do the same with my patients and their family members. I have also begun an exercise with those that I serve that incorporate a "gratitude list" in their daily prayer life. By using these techniques my patients are more able to find peace and thanksgiving even in the midst of a terminal illness. I also found myself asking "Have I truly forgiven myself as Jesus has? I have lived to believe that in order to be forgiven we must first forgive ourselves. In order to love others we must first love ourselves. We are God's children and he loves us unconditionally. Unfortunately, we live in an earthy world full of sin. We struggle at times in the midst of this stressful world with who we truly are as God's children. With the pressures of life in all of its demands and judgment we perceive ourselves as less than worthy. As children of God we have to constantly remind ourselves that although forgiveness from others is at times less than easily obtained – we ultimately are forgiven. Our Father in Heaven has offered us the most precious gift through His son Jesus Christ. Because of Him, His ultimate love and mercy we are free. As I work with my patients, their loved ones and even my own loved ones I try to instill in them the truth that they are free. I teach them to forgive others as well as themselves. I ask them to take unforgiveness and doubt to our Father asking that the Holy Spirit offer us strength and courage. Many find that when they can lay this at the foot of the cross once and for all that they can come to peace. In my experiences as a Hospice Chaplain, I have witnessed the difference in death experiences with patients who pass with unresolved issues as compared to those who have found peace. Those who have found resolve with relationships and with themselves tend to pass more peacefully than those who don't. I see it in other situations as well. Those who know and understand that they are forgiven and can forgive others are in general happier more relaxed individuals. In conclusion, through the teachings of this course my overall prayer life has changed. I find myself in constant communication with my Father in Heaven. My day is very stressful with my incredible workload, my ongoing battle with my illness and with the demands of being the only source of income in my home, but I can truly say that because of my increased prayer life I can face each day with renewed confidence and peace. My ministry has strengthened and I see a more powerful positive difference in the way that I serve the Lord in the lives of others. I continue to live by a few important principals – 1) I am forgiven because of Christ's ultimate love for me; 2) I am nothing without God; and 3) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Rev. Dr. Terri M. Zastovnik BSW/M.DIV/D.MIN "When God calls you to do something, He enables you to do it" ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
The Miracle of Prayer
Dr. of Spirituality Final Essay – The Miracle of Prayer Rev. Terri Zastovnik As I reflect on my life and its circumstances over the course of the last year and since the beginning of this course I have learned that the power of prayer truly does bring miracles. I have always felt that my prayer life was stable and that God truly does answer my prayers. In my earlier years as a young Christian I would find myself asking why God wasn't answering. Patience is but a virtue ...we all know that, but as humans we fall short daily with a common fault …lack of patience. And secondly, I would find myself questioning why my prayers weren't always answered with what I had put my faith in. Through this course I have learned so much more about my own prayer life. How consistent is it? What do I put into it? Am I offering thanks and praise to the Lord for the blessings that He has bestowed upon me? Am I thanking him for meeting my needs according to his word before receiving those blessings? A few years ago I purchased a small box for my husband. He was battling an illness and through it found his faith to be faltering. I asked him to pray with thanksgiving in his heart and to write those prayers/prayer requests down, put them in the box and leave them in God's hands. At the end of that year we went back through the box and to his amazement saw how God did bless and answer his prayers. As a Hospice Chaplain I do the same with my patients and their family members. I have also begun an exercise with those that I serve that incorporate a "gratitude list" in their daily prayer life. By using these techniques my patients are more able to find peace and thanksgiving even in the midst of a terminal illness. I also found myself asking "Have I truly forgiven myself as Jesus has? I have lived to believe that in order to be forgiven we must first forgive ourselves. In order to love others we must first love ourselves. We are God's children and he loves us unconditionally. Unfortunately, we live in an earthy world full of sin. We struggle at times in the midst of this stressful world with who we truly are as God's children. With the pressures of life in all of its demands and judgment we perceive ourselves as less than worthy. As children of God we have to constantly remind ourselves that although forgiveness from others is at times less than easily obtained – we ultimately are forgiven. Our Father in Heaven has offered us the most precious gift through His son Jesus Christ. Because of Him, His ultimate love and mercy we are free. As I work with my patients, their loved ones and even my own loved ones I try to instill in them the truth that they are free. I teach them to forgive others as well as themselves. I ask them to take unforgiveness and doubt to our Father asking that the Holy Spirit offer us strength and courage. Many find that when they can lay this at the foot of the cross once and for all that they can come to peace. In my experiences as a Hospice Chaplain, I have witnessed the difference in death experiences with patients who pass with unresolved issues as compared to those who have found peace. Those who have found resolve with relationships and with themselves tend to pass more peacefully than those who don't. I see it in other situations as well. Those who know and understand that they are forgiven and can forgive others are in general happier more relaxed individuals. In conclusion, through the teachings of this course my overall prayer life has changed. I find myself in constant communication with my Father in Heaven. My day is very stressful with my incredible workload, my ongoing battle with my illness and with the demands of being the only source of income in my home, but I can truly say that because of my increased prayer life I can face each day with renewed confidence and peace. My ministry has strengthened and I see a more powerful positive difference in the way that I serve the Lord in the lives of others. I continue to live by a few important principals – 1) I am forgiven because of Christ's ultimate love for me; 2) I am nothing without God; and 3) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Rev. Dr. Terri M. Zastovnik BSW/M.DIV/D.MIN "When God calls you to do something, He enables you to do it" ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Metaphysical Healing
Metaphysical Healing Essay 1: Healing Practices in the United States Rev. Ira J. Potter Technology-wise, the United States is one of the global leaders in healing. Hospitals here offer the most advanced diagnosis and treatment options available anywhere, and groundbreaking discoveries in almost all categories are happening with more and more frequency as technology becomes more advanced. Provided you have the means to pay for it, there are few places in the world to receive better medical care. In addition to Western medicine, there is a plethora of other treatment options available. Acupuncture continues to grow in popularity, now with more than 50 accredited schools in 19 states specifically geared towards teaching the Eastern medicinal art. This art consists of applying needles to various points in the body known to practitioners as meridians that the body's natural energy, or qi, flows along. Western medicine has yet to determine the medicinal value of acupuncture, however, and at best says it acts as a placebo effect. Alternative medicine is also becoming more prevalent in U.S. society as more people turn to herbal remedies due to the rising cost of prescription medication. Garlic and Echinacea are very popular natural antibiotics, and ginkgo bilopa is a bestseller for improving brain and memory function. Ginkgo has also been used to combat asthma and lung congestion, and to generally promote physical and mental well being. Ginseng is another big seller because it is believed to improve physical performance and help boost the body's natural defenses. Increasing numbers of people have also begun to use fish oil extract in recent years because of its omega-3 content, which helps control cholesterol. Omega-3s are also believed to provide relief from a wide range of problems including arthritis, depression and migraines. Another alternative medical art gaining popularity in the U.S. is the Indian Ayurveda, which relies heavily on oils for various treatments. This system of medicine also promotes an entire dietary plan, and employs the use of vegetable drugs like cardamom and cinnamon. Cardamom, in particular, is used to treat a wide range of ailments from teeth and gum infections to breaking up kidney and gallstones. It has also been used as an antidote for snake and scorpion venom. Yoga and meditation are also widely used in the United States for mental and physical improvement. Nintendo's Wii Fit includes some beginner and advanced yoga poses that have been a hit with the public, making Wii Fit Nintendo's most popular, and by extension best selling, game for the Wii game system. More and more people are discovering the benefits of both yoga and meditation with the former being taught in health spas and community centers across the country. Faith healing can also be found here, although unfortunately most "faith healers" are usually found to be charlatans exploiting honest people's beliefs for a profit. Some are said to possess the power to lay on hands, but belief of this in the United States is minimal in the general public. The United States offers an ever-increasing variety of healing practices from all over the world. Traditional modern western medicine, traditional eastern medicine, alternative medicines and everything in between can be found here. The federal government, and the Federal Drug Administration in particular, continues to frown upon alternative medicine, contesting that modern medicine is the best method of curing ailments and diseases. But as modern medicine becomes increasingly more expensive more people are turning to and rediscovering the benefits that alternative medicine has to offer, and usually at a much more affordable cost. ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Metaphysical Healing
Metaphysical Healing Essay 1: Healing Practices in the United States Rev. Ira J. Potter Technology-wise, the United States is one of the global leaders in healing. Hospitals here offer the most advanced diagnosis and treatment options available anywhere, and groundbreaking discoveries in almost all categories are happening with more and more frequency as technology becomes more advanced. Provided you have the means to pay for it, there are few places in the world to receive better medical care. In addition to Western medicine, there is a plethora of other treatment options available. Acupuncture continues to grow in popularity, now with more than 50 accredited schools in 19 states specifically geared towards teaching the Eastern medicinal art. This art consists of applying needles to various points in the body known to practitioners as meridians that the body's natural energy, or qi, flows along. Western medicine has yet to determine the medicinal value of acupuncture, however, and at best says it acts as a placebo effect. Alternative medicine is also becoming more prevalent in U.S. society as more people turn to herbal remedies due to the rising cost of prescription medication. Garlic and Echinacea are very popular natural antibiotics, and ginkgo bilopa is a bestseller for improving brain and memory function. Ginkgo has also been used to combat asthma and lung congestion, and to generally promote physical and mental well being. Ginseng is another big seller because it is believed to improve physical performance and help boost the body's natural defenses. Increasing numbers of people have also begun to use fish oil extract in recent years because of its omega-3 content, which helps control cholesterol. Omega-3s are also believed to provide relief from a wide range of problems including arthritis, depression and migraines. Another alternative medical art gaining popularity in the U.S. is the Indian Ayurveda, which relies heavily on oils for various treatments. This system of medicine also promotes an entire dietary plan, and employs the use of vegetable drugs like cardamom and cinnamon. Cardamom, in particular, is used to treat a wide range of ailments from teeth and gum infections to breaking up kidney and gallstones. It has also been used as an antidote for snake and scorpion venom. Yoga and meditation are also widely used in the United States for mental and physical improvement. Nintendo's Wii Fit includes some beginner and advanced yoga poses that have been a hit with the public, making Wii Fit Nintendo's most popular, and by extension best selling, game for the Wii game system. More and more people are discovering the benefits of both yoga and meditation with the former being taught in health spas and community centers across the country. Faith healing can also be found here, although unfortunately most "faith healers" are usually found to be charlatans exploiting honest people's beliefs for a profit. Some are said to possess the power to lay on hands, but belief of this in the United States is minimal in the general public. The United States offers an ever-increasing variety of healing practices from all over the world. Traditional modern western medicine, traditional eastern medicine, alternative medicines and everything in between can be found here. The federal government, and the Federal Drug Administration in particular, continues to frown upon alternative medicine, contesting that modern medicine is the best method of curing ailments and diseases. But as modern medicine becomes increasingly more expensive more people are turning to and rediscovering the benefits that alternative medicine has to offer, and usually at a much more affordable cost. ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
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