Metaphysics Course

This blog has essays from the Metaphysics Courses offered through the Universal Life Church. We have a variety of courses that are available in the area of metaphysics.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spirituality Course

This course was designed to learn how to minister to the scientific community or even to the traditional religious believer.

As quoted in Lesson 4… “When we tap into that universal God energy we can produce any kind of miracle”. I believe this is true. There were many philosophical viewpoints covered in this course. I thought it interesting that science and Marxism, Socialism and Communism was lopped into the same philosophical

thought patterns though it shouldn’t be surprising as most scientist are atheists. I suppose if one was to minister to the likes of these thought systems in a way, would be nailed to the cross as the author of this course purports through his own testimony. I am happy that my ministering work attracts those who are open to the spiritual path and are perhaps looking for their specialty or new levels of growth to enhance their abilities.

With that said, this course was one of the hardest to get through because it was a dark analogy of what a

“spiritual” person is expected to go through as being nailed to the cross. It sounded more like punishment then the rewards of Light and Love and joy that comes with being spiritual, or an enlightened soul. A soul with spirit. My view is that Christ Jesus bore the cross so we wouldn’t have to.

I especially liked the philosophy of Socrates and Plato… Socrates, “ We must learn to accept the world as it is.” And, through the understanding of Plato, we can often know more about what a person thinks than they know themselves.

If “we are part of a unified whole” (page 5, Lesson 5), then we are like a piece of the pie not the whole pie. God is the whole. We are a piece of the whole form. The next sentence states, “However much we want to think of ourselves as individuals, we are not. and when we die we fall back into the greater whole.”

I don’t think God expects us to be like him, just to be the best EXAMPLE that we can be. I am not a purest and certainly no saint. I am human like anyone else. I bring this up perhaps as a reminder to myself that I am not a Savior, and I have no business trying to be. Taking this approach which I have experienced, can

cause a great deal of suffering, heartache, and disappointment. I understand Faith without works is dead. However, there is no amount of works that will gain you favor in Heaven than GRACE. This is the administration that we now live under. All that is expected once again is to be an example of good and honest living. This is a part of spiritual principles.

Knowledge is power but wisdom is even more powerful. I believe that if we live by or follow our God-given talents, God will bring us together with those who can benefit most from our counsel or spiritual nature.

Dr. Rev. Nancy Kimes


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spirit Quest

Essay for Dr of Metaphysics 
Rev. Gene Rapalyea    

The Disappearance of Metaphysics

Metaphysics, why metaphysics? Metaphysics, the place where the supernatural meets the natural, the spirit meets the physical "the rubber meets the road".

When we were young, in our evolution or personal growth, we look at the world around us and noticed if we did this that would happen. As we grew older we became aware, if we didn't get it, whatever that was, food, shelter, acceptance, or some material items, we had a growing feeling of scarcity which led to physical discomfort, emotional insecurity or even death, this created or was created by the feeling of fear. We began to try to fix the feeling of fear by trying to take, bargain for, and make things. In our quest for things we begin to recognize that there is some sort of set of rules that governs out come. We notice if we do things the "right way" our experience will become more pleasing and that knowledge of what the right way is will help us with the out come desired. This gives rise to the notions of right and wrong, justice, knowledge and ignorance, and beauty and ugliness, (pleasing as opposed to dis-pleasing) aesthetics, the rise of the law.

Through our growth, we have noticed that there are forces that act on us and our world, which seem to be inexplicable but inevitable. We call these things Gods, God, Goddess, Spirit, the super natural, and fearfully begin to try to relate to, understand and gain further control of our out comes. We devise rites and rituals make sacrifices, to placate and cajole our intent to gain control and get what we desire. If the out come is not as we expect. We are driven to further questioning of what is going on, how do we fit in, and who are we really? Thoughtful introspection and contemplation lead to meditation; now we are beginning to get somewhere. Either little by little or in a flash our consciousness stills and our awareness elevates or we begin to get insight into our true nature and the nature of our world. When we first see the light we are aw-struck but then realize that there is nothing there, but pure potential so we venture back into the recognizable world where we are somebody yet with a new understanding to explore and build on.

In the meantime there is another side of us which thinks itself to be more rational and does not believe in this silliness, in its quest for who and what. It has devised another way of looking at things based on closely scrutinizing the external world experientially, by experiment and trial and error to find out what, who and how, with the same intention to gain control. This is the method of science.

What it comes down to at the present is both science and the spiritual world have agreed the universe and all that is in it is energy, this includes what we perceive to be material, and that thoughts control what we perceive, feel and manifest in some sort of cyclic fashion. This gives us the simple concept, if we change our thoughts we change our world.
 So what is stopping us? Two kinds of thought create feelings and perception that limits or negatively impacts our out comes. One, we think and feel we don't deserve it and the other which is probably an extension of the first, we don't possess the ability or are not good enough. (Who told us so?)

For thousands of years there have been people that have been aware of and possessed this understanding but word of mouth travels slowly and this kind of information scares others that have tried to suppress this understanding. With the rapid and growing dissemination of information in the world this concept and techniques that support and facilitate are beginning to abound. This course was one of many variations on the theme of how to create miracles or manifest what we desire.        
Most basically:

1.      Get into a meditative state
2.      Notice what you desire
3.      Notice the nasty little dark voice and feeling that tells you, "You can't".
4.      Use a technique to clear and rid yourself of that naysayer.
(There are plenty of different approaches out there. Some seem to work on some things and some work well on others, so I suggest get good arsenal.)
5.      Develop a strong intention, visualization (include all the senses) and feeling (emotion, sense of excitement in the present, "already happened".
6.      Take action don't just sit and wait. Unless of course that is what is called for.
7.      Let it go.
8.      Be in the moment and grateful for whatever is there.
9.      Repeat the full process as necessary.

At some point we will come to know these things as naturally as riding a bike and the supernatural will becomes natural and metaphysics disappears.
Just imagine? What you would do if there were no limits, challenges or obstacles?         

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free  and lasts for life, so use the button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Metaphysical Healing

By Rev. Rose Palaez
    From the introduction phase of metaphysical healing to the ending lesson of this course has been knowledgeable to me. I will begin by saying that learning the techniques that go hand in hand and the step by step of the physical works before studying the esoteric physiology, have given me an extended insight of what and how metaphysical healing came about and how it is interpreted.

          With that in mind I enjoyed every single lesson, the human energy fields which teaches about the chakras and how the aura is an extension of the physical body was absolutely something extremely new and interesting. Getting ready and learning to use the universal energy field and experimenting in with my self was a new experience and enjoyed every minute of it. Learning of other healing methods allowed me to understand why different culture does what they do.

    In all truthfulness there is no lesson in this course that was boring per say or of no interest. Once more I will reiterate that learning the power of energy to heal is an out of the ordinary process that should be learned by every one. I wanted to investigate the techniques for my self and for my own breath of knowledge. I have been healed before by my mother-in-law that have the gift of energy healing with out the proper training or literature. That is more the reason why I was brought to the website which lead me to start the course my self.

    With this course, I must say that I have been educated that in this matchless world that we are in, that illness of countless people lies in the emotional mental field. Metaphysical healing has brought to my attention that we can give attention to illness beyond just the physical symptoms. That the cure is in the hand of the healer beside medical field lays the valuable and unrestricted universe with the energy for all of us to have.

          I am obligated to say that all that is needed is taught in this course; however there is always space for us human being to increase our awareness a bit more than we think.
I have experienced that with self healing motivation one can come out of any illness. Particularly if one has sufficient faith in the energy of the universe which can freely be provided us all without limitation.

Best wishes and May the positive energy of the universe be with you.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church  materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Metaphysical Healing

Master of Metaphysical Healing Final Essay
By Rev. Cynthia Ewing

Being a Reiki Healer myself, I am always looking to
learn more about healing. This class has helped me be
able to present answers to questions people have asked
as well as learn more about the energy field around
the body. Good advice was also given about how to work
in an energy field. There was even good advice about
having your own healing practice.

The first lesson talks about how to answer a client’s
questions. This can be a hard thing for a new healer.
Explaining how the process works and if it will help
or harm a patient is very important. You want to make
sure the client is in the right frame of mind for the
healing. Also I always let any potential clients know
that I do not diagnose or interfere with a doctor’s
treatment. As the lesson says “healing is always “in
addition to” and never “instead of” conventional
medical care.”

The lessons also spoke about working in the energy
field. It explains about the different Bodies
surrounding the physical body. I had never heard of
Auric Fibers or Auric Plasma. I knew about the other
fields though. It also lists very well steps in how to
give a metaphysical healing using your hands and the
universal energy.

When I give a reiki healing, I always say a prayer to
ask for the healing of my client as well as inviting
in any helpers. I then link to the client by sending
energy in through the crown chakra, the ears for
balancing and the shoulders to help send the energy
through the body. I believe that the client has given
me permission already to enter their energy field.
This is where I differ, but it is good to ask anyway.
Now the next step is raking the aura and removing any
negativity that is present and then smoothing the
aura. I never thought of it as unruffling the auric
fibers. After that I then apply reiki energy to
whatever area is in need. I scan the chakras with my
hands and send energy to the ones that are in need of
energy. When finished I seal the client and break the
ties that were created. Everything I do here is
similar to the healing that is spoken of in the
lessons, just using different terms.

Taking a medical history and keeping records of the
sessions is also very important. In my medical history
form there is a disclaimer to make sure the client
knows that the session is meant to help and not
diagnose or interfere with a doctor’s treatment. The
client’s history can help the healer focus on the
areas that need energy the most. It can also help the
healer see where the problem is coming from. Now the
healer’s intuition is important as blockages and
energies that need released are located. With the
history the healer can use the information to help the
client release their negativity and help them change
to a more positive attitude which aides in healing.

Overall I enjoyed taking this class. There is a lot
of information here which is very helpful for the new
healer as well as for the more seasoned healer. I
would recommend this class to anyone interested in
metaphysical healing. Thank you for the opportunity to


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


My first response to "What is Thought:" = A voice in the head.   I was not able to come up with a scientific answer.  Personally I was excited when I started to read this lesson, as I have been using the power of visualization for years now.  As a minister I do not know everything, this is for sure.  I have decided that my religion is actually Life and the way I have chosen to "practice" it or celebrate it - well that is subjective; as what may be right for me might not be right for another, and it is important for me to realize that.

Opinion =  My answer, A belief based on perspective or rumors from the stand point of ones personal experiences. Knowledge = my answer is that knowledge is learned info commonly based on community or facts. - I thought this was a great exercise.  And to understand this perspective of knowledge/opinion and that in actuality we "know nothing" .. A  favorite quote of mine from the movie Pure County is "there are no answers, just the search" - reminds me of this lesson.

Talking about Imagination, I must share a story; - about 13 years ago my daughter was about 3 years old and we were getting ready to go somewhere and I told her to wear a dress and tights.  She did so and as I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, she was fussing with her legs.  She started to say "mom there are spiders on my legs ... mom ...".   I responded "there are no spiders on your legs".  she came back and said "Mom yes there are spiders on my legs and they are itchy".  I said again = "there are no spiders on your legs its just your imagination" ...and she responded "Well Mom - my imagination hurts ...."    THAT stopped me in my tracks, as that statement is so true for most people.  I realized then the power of thought.

Talking about "truth", I started my search for truth about 15 years ago, was seeking spirituality and to know.  The more I sought to know the more I realized there was so much to learn which at times became overwhelming.  Now I realize that "truth" is a personal experience.  I now realize that what is true for me may not be for another.  I am a Truth seeker but I realize that this truth is subjective and now I seek more connections and experiences.  Now I am not learning to "know" but I rather I am learning to "be". 

I hope through taking this course that I can help others find their personal truth or purpose or mission and find that meaning within their lives.   Thank you for the lesson.
Walk with Wisdom, Peace and Patience,


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spiritual Awareness

Insight into Awareness - Universal Life Church Seminary
Attention: Amy Long
Insights into Spiritual Awareness

As I began taking this course, I was not prepared for the insights that would be given to me in my personal spiritual journey. One of the topics that really helped me on my sacred path is the section regarding the Eighth insight. I discovered through this topic in the course an issue that I struggle with and a need to overcome it in order to help other congregants in my capacity as a spiritual counselor. Through this experience, I was led to begin a step study for codependents. Twelve women have joined me on this venture, congregants within my immediate ministerial capacity. We are working through the twelve steps created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous however; we are using the materials created by John Baker’s A Purpose Driven Ministry Resource Guide, a recovery program based on eight principles from the Beatitudes. At this stage, we have worked through the first participant’s guide, which includes the first three steps and I, and these benevolent women have discovered many important spiritual truths in our personal struggles with co-dependency. As a group, we have grown closer to one another and closer to Spirit because of taking this leap forward in our personal growth.

I realized through this part of the course that I was struggling with an addiction to people. This carries into every area of my life and as a minister an area that I must deal with in order to be of greatest service to my fellows. It is another step towards spiritual freedom and liberation for me. As I know the importance of engaging in my own evolution, but have a tendency to put that to the side to help others, which is a selfless quality, a merit in one respect, but one that needs to be in balance and harmony with my spiritual ascension and evolution.

I further realized that I was having issues in my romantic life because of this problem, issues in my marriage, that I certainly contributed to as a result of being completely addicted to my spouse who struggles with various forms of addiction, though is in recovery. It led me to look into myself and to find answers to the questions of why the bliss of our initial love relationship had turned into turmoil, chaos and conflict and what my part of the conflicts were and most importantly what Spirit could reveal to me in this regard and how I could seek to recover from these patterns. I realized that I dependently so relied upon the energy of my spouse. When he stopped sending that energy in the initial full force that began our love relationship I began to seek to control him and in effect repelled his energy, forced it away and we each somewhat pulled apart from one another thus the oneness we initially shared was crushed.

Thus, resulting in power struggles, and conflicts, many issues, and distance, withdrawal, retreating, arguing, disharmony, among many other forms of overwhelm, stress and burden. He turned to addictive traits and solutions that offered initial promise from his pain but began to quit working and I continued to try to control, manipulate, lecture, teach, and thus creating more distance, withdrawing and pulling back of energy and attention.

I discovered many truths about addictions from this course. I grew up in an alcoholic family, as my father was a practicing alcoholic in the formative years of my life. When I turned sixteen, he got sober through the assistance of a treatment facility, counseling, alcoholics anonymous and spiritual beliefs and practices. I knew about chemically addictive personalities and traits, and problems. I knew how these affected family members through my association with twelve step programs over the years. What I had not considered was the greater range of addictive issues and so this course lead me to seeking what might be affecting my husband, what issues were causing his addictive and compulsive tendencies and I began to pray about the issues that Spirit revealed to me through my search for higher truth and solutions.

As I uncovered the truths through the guidance of Spirit, I tried discussing them with my spouse but he was not ready to deal with these issues and was very much in denial. I knew that I could not make him see the Light in the circumstance. However, I also knew as a Minister of Light that I could pray for him regarding these issues. I could ask others to pray for him. Therefore, I did pray that Spirit would reveal these truths to him in such a way that he could no longer be blinded to the truth, in such a way that the revelations would come through Spirit and not me. I prayed that the chains would be broken, the karmic ties, bonds would be severed and cut and in such a way that he was revealed to himself and others, thereby being accountable not to just me, but to others, and to Spirit. This miracle happened, and the way it happened was not by coincidence or happenstance, but was indeed the divine intervention that I prayed for and that others prayed for on our behalf. His behaviors were revealed in such a way, that I could not have created it or thought it up, or plotted, controlled, in anyway, as the Divine has a perfect plan for us all, if we can just be patient and wait on the Divine to act on our behalf. J

I have begun to give him the freedom to recover in his own way and pace, and to accept where he is and who he is in this moment and each moment. This has given me more time and freedom to focus my attention on my own actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, and to be free from having to try to control things I cannot control anyway. I realized that my struggle for control really kept my spouse from getting the recovery he needed, because I was in Spirit’s way, as I was not allow the synchronicities of the Universe to come into play.

Today I do not have to get my energy from my spouse, or any other person. I am not focused on the actions of others, I am less sensitive to what others say, and I am more open and receptive to allowing others to get close to me. I have addressed my issues of control and realized that I have control over nothing that another person does and my attempts to control were misguided, and ineffective, and harmful to others and me. My life is no longer on hold; rather I am progressing spiritually at an accelerated rate. I am no longer tired all the time or feeling lifeless and drained, I am full of life, aliveness and energy. I feel like enormous burdens have been lifted from my soul. Thank you so much for this awakening. I have given up my unrealistic expectations of others and myself and this is so freeing to be able to accept others not as I would have them, but the way they are and the beauty is I am able to see their divine perfection rather than character flaws and defects.

I realized my completeness, wholeness, comes from Spirit, not from others. My spouse and I are closer than we have ever been. We are praying together and choosing things that bring us closer and illuminating things that cause us to separate and pull away from one another. We are each developing a deeper sense of self, and of compassion and understanding for one another’s struggles and the pain, we have caused one another through our power struggles and conflicts, and destructive behaviors. We are no longer pulling one another away from our individual evolution but enhancing one another’s spiritual growth and this is a miraculous indescribably wonderful adventure.

Rather than focusing on physical intimacy, we have begun to focus on inner intimacy, revealing ourselves totally and completely, and talking, sharing our wants, needs, desires and dreams. We understand one another on the inside, developing a deeper sense of one another’s well-being so that we can move upward, and onward forward on our sacred journey together. We are in counseling together working on having a deeper more intimate physical and romantic relationship doing healing work individually and together. He is participating and leading a men’s step study for men struggling with life issues and addictions of broad scales. Through these constructive actions, we are developing a strong spiritual connection, without power struggle, rather accord, having a close relationship, greater than what either of us thought was possible.

I decided that can live with or without the marriage, but I wanted it, but free from having to fill myself with his energy, and I relinquished control over his actions to Spirit and to his accountability partners, trusting that Spirit will act on both of our behalf leading him and us to our highest, best good. I am choosing to stay centered in my own energy and life. I have had victory over my tendency to control, over my angry outbursts, and manipulation tactics for about three months. I do not have to create crisis, chaos or drama to get what I want, I simply share my feelings honestly and openly with respect and dignity. I am detached from his problems most of the time.

Thank you so much for the insights and awareness of these issues through this course. It has helped me tremendously in my marriage and my relationships with others in my community, spiritual life. I no longer feel the burden of the problems of others, and am able to allow Spirit to guide my steps and trust that Spirit will help others with their problems as well. Blessings be upon you in the greatest measure.

Love and Light,

Rev. Tracey Loper


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Metaphysical healing

Assignment: Number three
Student: Rev. Dr. Edonna Alexandria
1. Answer each of the following questions.
a) Write a paragraph on the Human Aura:   The Human Aura is the protective invisible shield which surrounds the physical body,  it is composed of seven shields that span out around the body in an elliptical formation, much like the elliptical orbits that follow the path and rotations of the planets around the sun.  It provides protection to the body and allows information to flow through.  Information flows in and out, providing a two way communication system from the universe, immediate earth areas and the body.
b) Why do we have subtle bodies?  We have these subtle bodies to: 1) protect our physical body. 2) Provide a communication system between the physical and spiritual words.
c) Name the different energy systems.1) etheric, 2) Emotional, 3) Mental, 4) Astral, 5) Etheric template, 6) Celestial, 7) Ketheric, 8) Auric
d) What is the function of auric fibers? The auric fibers provide protection to the physical body by picking up signals from our surroundings; Caution us ; vitalize our physical and subtle bodies with life force energy.
e) where are the spinal nerves located? In the spinal cord.
2. Describe the Circulatory system in the physical. The circulatory system in the physical carries oxygen to the tissues and waste products away from.  It is the major transport system of the body involving the heart and blood.
3. Describe the Circulatory system of the Etheric.  It allows energy to be carried though the tissues physical body which assist the body in draining itself of negative etheric energy away from the body and into the auric field.  The auric energy field is a colorless like fluid which contains billions of cells that are excreted by the chakra system.  The auric cells circulate through the acupuncture meridians and exited the body along the auric cells by passing through the skin.  If this auric Sheath is damaged, the auric fluid will begin spilling out and experience in the physical body as exhaustion which will cause physical weakness.
4. Write a short paragraph on the Physical Aura. The personality of the human is created by the physical aura, which is contained in the physical body consisting of the etheric , emotional and cognitive bodies utilized to breath, think and feel.
5. What does the Etheric Body look like? It is similar to the blue/gray print of an architect.  It is an outline of the body much like that of a negative of a photograph.  It looks like the shadow of the physical body.
6. How does the Etheric body differ from the Emotional Body? The etheric body is lighter and more weightless compared to the body; additionally it creates the chakra system and is the first level where disease will reveal itself.
7. What are the main functions of the chakras? The main function of the chakra system is to vitalize and energize the body by transmitting energy through the blood system and to serve as a communication channel with the universal life force energies.
8. What is the color of the Astral Body? Rose Pink.
9. What function does the Astral Body serve? It serves as the mediator between the physical and spiritual aura, thus communicating between ourselves and the higher spiritual planes of consciousness
10. Why do we need a "silver cord"?  To keep us connected the astral body because without it the physical body could not exist.   When that cord is cut, our astral body leaves the physical body which dies, while the spiritual continues to live its immortal existence.
11. Describe the Spiritual Aura. The spiritual aura is the embodiment of the higher spiritual self which allows us to communicate with beings that exist on the higher spiritual planes of consciousness and awareness.
12. Complete this sentence: The Auric Sheath is extremely strong and is resistant to penetration and  protects the fields.
13. Where are the major chakras located externally? Along the outside of the endocrine system.

14. Name them and give the corresponding endocrine glands. The
a. Crown--Pituitary
b. Forehead--Pineal
c. Throat--Thyroid
d. Heart--Thymus
e. Solar Plexus--Pancreas
f. Sacral/Naval--Ovaries/Testes
g. Base of Spine--Adrenals/Top of Kidneys


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity two courses in , Wicca, several in  Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
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Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Insights into Spiritual Awareness course
By: Rev. Frank L Ducharme
  Although I have read the book Celestine Prophecy some time ago and found it very inspiring, this course detailed step by step each insight that brings a new level of understanding. I have found this to be very enlightening and reaffirming to my practices and beliefs. I can say I have truly enjoyed this course and looked forward to each and every lesson. This course was not only a learning experience but a lesson of growth and development.
  To slow down and put the habitual repetition of every day life aside for a moment and pay attention to the subtle signs that are easily missed. The signs and guidance are there we just need to open ourselves to see and accept them. We need to trust ourselves and trust what we feel and act upon what our instincts tell us not how we are conditioned to react. We must retrain ourselves not to get caught up in life's daily routines but to experience life and the world around us to better see all it has to offer.
   There are times we should think of our selves but we must also think of how we all affect each other, How our own actions affect the others around us and future happenings. One action or reaction can affect so many and how others may act or react in future situations. Every conversation no matter how mundane it may seem hold a message and has meaning, We need to pay attention to every thing that takes place in our daily lives because some ware sometime it may have a greater meaning or a lesson we need to learn. One may see a particular situation as a bad experience but we needed it to take place for one reason or another to learn from and break the cycle.
  I was born into a Roman Catholic home as was my father and grandparents, my mother however was raised protestant and had what I would say different views. Upon entering school I went to a private Catholic school from first grade to eight having religious classes on almost a daily bases. Some ware between fifth and sixth grade I started to realize the contradictions I was being taught and started questioning what the priest and nuns were saying and teaching and believe me that was not what you were suppose to do. Throughout my teenage years to early adult life I searched for a belief system that I could wrap my head around, something that made sense and I could wrap my head around. At almost thirty I began a serious study of Wicca and the Pagan ways and things began to make sense. It is a belief and an ever evolving practice that encompasses what I have felt for so much of my life and is a way of growing that does not restrict or control.
   Whether we realize it or not all of us thrive on energy, Energy from the center of the universe. We as humans have ways of sucking that energy from one another, one such way is threw conflict and control. Those who constantly try to control every one they come in contact with, who dominates every conversation are generally insecure in one way or another. Some ware in there lives they are not in control at all and so every ware they go the may feel the need to control every aspect and by doing so they will suck the energy from every one they come in contact with. Another method of control is seen threw conflict, some people feel or believe they can only gain power and control threw conflict and manage to drain the life power from others until there is nothing left. Once you realize that you don't have to control others to get the power you require, that by fowling the principles of the insights you get all the power you need naturally life become so much simpler and easier to navigate, you can be truly happy and at ease.
   Once we realize that the energy we thrive on can be obtained from some ware other than the people around us, that the universe itself has all we need and its there for the taking we just need to learn how to accept it. We need to take care of our selves by diet and exercise, and slow down a bit to enjoy the sights sounds and savor the tastes that we encounter on a daily basis. Through meditation and relaxation we can relieve the daily stress and focus on the positive energy. For if we can put forth positive energy and keep a positive attitude then we can affect everyone we encounter in a positive way and keep the positive flow of energy flowing around us. We also need to pay attention to each and every interaction we have on a moment by moment basis to see and realize what each conversation means, what message is their for us. Every experience we have on a moment by moment basis happens for a reason, we need to pay attention and learn from our experiences in order to evolve into a higher being. If we can affect more and more people we encounter with positive energy and a positive attitude and teach them to do the same, imagine the ripple effect it can have on society and how the world could change.
  We are all here on earth for a purpose, to experience everything that occurs throughout our lives for a reason. To encounter everyone we meet in our lifetime on purpose, there are no chance encounters or coincidences we actually chose our entire life's journey at the moment of birth. We choose our parents and family and friends to shape our life's experiences so we could learn and feel what we needed in order to evolve to the next level for the next time around. Each life we choose what we need to experience in order to learn from those encounters. Each and every time we choose what we need in order to proceed for the next time we are born. When we succeed in learning what we need we will then advance to the next level of existence.
  At this point in our history, we are not yet at the point of soaring as the eagle, but rather we are still caught up in the good versus evil. Our world is in chaos. Our leaders are ineffectual, religion has lost its purpose and that a great transformation is nearing. The transformation is not the result of a mythical "second coming," but rather must stem from the higher thoughts of man; a man that reconnects mentally with the center of all that is in order to break our cycle of destruction and ignorance. The time is getting close and, as the Hopi have said, "it is we who we have been waiting for." Higher human consciousness is attempting to break, alter, or change the current cycle.  A cycle filled with ruinous dogma, fear, greed and confusion. Humanity is approaching a moment in time where he can consciously choose his next evolutionary step.

  A great vibratory train is headed straight for us and that we must choose to either stay in its way or to get off of the track. If there is disaster, it will be because we stayed on the track. As with Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations and other prophecies, we are given the tools, in the form of a largely pictorial code, to raise our awareness, our vibration and our very nature above the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.' It is time to look deeply into the tools and images that been offered as a gift to our time and learn the true revelation of their inner meanings.
   "The return of the Goddess and all of her wisdom."
  Once we transform into multisensory beings we will then see the beauty in everything and everyone. We can then look past the inabilities and disabilities and see the true abilities and potential. To recognize our intuitions and senses and true abilities and trust out gut feelings to guide us. Prophecy, telepathy, and clairvoyance will be accepted and taught as the norm. We will then be whole again.
  The methods and activities set forth in this course are not necessarily a new concept but very important for awareness and self growth, and so simple. It is so very easy to get caught up in life's challenges and the daily routine, one needs to take the time for yourself ; reflect and keep in touch with the energy around us. Everything we need to continue growing and evolving is their we just need to recognize and utilize it.
Blessed be to all
Frank L Ducharme


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church  materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Spirit-Quest Course by Rev. Tishanne

The Spirit Quest course has been the best course in my opinion for beginning my quest in metaphysics. I found that no matter what personal technique I apply or philosophy the tools I learned in this course have been a continual source of inspiration. Creative visualization and power of thought combined with compassion has opened my eyes or third eye to so much wonderful knowledge. Understanding thought forms in pictures has many implications. Symbols are a universal language that works well with the photo communication.

I also loved the part of the course that deals in negative feelings and how to handle them. I laugh about breaking eggs,haven't done it yet because just thinking about it as an "if all else fails" makes me laugh. Just knowing that you can destroy or blow up a negative thought is empowering. I personally use the sending a "hello" most often. It really helps me deal with split time parenting. Given the insight on how past life episodes can impact our present relations has helped me to understand my family dynamics. I piece it together with dream info for the best view. As a foundation course on energy I think its the best. I have built my studies since from Reiki to PSI with what I have learned. Also the "parking spot" tool works well with traffic lights if your in a bind. I have also used it for bargain shopping.

Thank you Amy & ULC Seminary for offering this course.



The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar