Metaphysics Course

This blog has essays from the Metaphysics Courses offered through the Universal Life Church. We have a variety of courses that are available in the area of metaphysics.

Monday, October 25, 2010


[SPIRIT QUEST ESSAY] by Rev. C.Vickers
Master of Metaphysics

Beginning this quest brought about more than an opportunity to read impressions of experiences on the exercises in the assignments. It literally created very interesting synchronicity in my life. The inner work on spirit saw a result in my world experiences.

It is great to heal the self through enriching assignments and to cultivate a life experience that rewards reflection. One of the first reflection exercises was, "Start with the idea that God (Supreme Being, Higher Power, Lord of All Creation, etc) WANTS you to succeed. " You were created to succeed." The blueprint of your life and your goal as a being is all geared towards success. Failure is a lie." This became a powerful premise for thoughtful deliberate consideration of the self. It led to a great weeks and evaluation of what I really do want. My contemplation and meditation assisted in what I would like to envision my successes. Again, great food for thought.

As mentioned in the beginning of the essay the assignments do take you on a journey to support personal experiences and interactions, and the exercises create stirrings of memories and dreams you seek to create. Then you start noticing that the work is bringing together other pieces of your life. It is easy to accept this once acknowledged you become aware of responding to cues from others and have changed responses because of having done the exercises. In numerous little ways, something was shifting.

This spirit work often reflected in my work for my show, sometimes as themes for the week, it provided links into the connections with the guests as well as be reading further studies in the area of my weekly assignment. I really enjoyed these connections because the conversations were often in depth discoveries of the topics.

It was such a pleasure to be able to fully engage in this project, see the benefits immediately, and understand that all work chosen can be part of the passion for success and positive outcomes. Spirit Quest helped me keep on track of my personal journey as well as my professional image and relationships.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies


[SPIRIT QUEST ESSAY] by Rev. C.Vickers
Master of Metaphysics

Beginning this quest brought about more than an opportunity to read impressions of experiences on the exercises in the assignments. It literally created very interesting synchronicity in my life. The inner work on spirit saw a result in my world experiences.

It is great to heal the self through enriching assignments and to cultivate a life experience that rewards reflection. One of the first reflection exercises was, "Start with the idea that God (Supreme Being, Higher Power, Lord of All Creation, etc) WANTS you to succeed. " You were created to succeed." The blueprint of your life and your goal as a being is all geared towards success. Failure is a lie." This became a powerful premise for thoughtful deliberate consideration of the self. It led to a great weeks and evaluation of what I really do want. My contemplation and meditation assisted in what I would like to envision my successes. Again, great food for thought.

As mentioned in the beginning of the essay the assignments do take you on a journey to support personal experiences and interactions, and the exercises create stirrings of memories and dreams you seek to create. Then you start noticing that the work is bringing together other pieces of your life. It is easy to accept this once acknowledged you become aware of responding to cues from others and have changed responses because of having done the exercises. In numerous little ways, something was shifting.

This spirit work often reflected in my work for my show, sometimes as themes for the week, it provided links into the connections with the guests as well as be reading further studies in the area of my weekly assignment. I really enjoyed these connections because the conversations were often in depth discoveries of the topics.

It was such a pleasure to be able to fully engage in this project, see the benefits immediately, and understand that all work chosen can be part of the passion for success and positive outcomes. Spirit Quest helped me keep on track of my personal journey as well as my professional image and relationships.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spirituality Course

Comments on Lessons 1 and 2 of Dr of Spirituality course

I have found this course to require some deep study and to be honest, it was not what I was expecting. However, I have found the first two lessons very interesting, if a little unusual. It seems strange to look at God from this angle but it does tie in with traditional Christianity.

At least so far. We are told in the Bible that 'God is Love, and he that loves God is born of God' and that 'God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth'. To regard this world as an illusion is rather strange when we see it all around us so solid and safe, but I can see how different our world would be if all-encompassing Love (ie God) was filling everybody. We must learn to live in a more loving society, however small may be our beginnings. We cannot do this overnight but each one us in a small way can start the process, and I am trying to look at things in a different and more loving way. I look forward to future lessons to see how they can help me to help others see the Light of Christ in and around them.

The key to this course is Belief, particularly belief in the presence of total Love. We may be far from this total presence but if we belief that it is there, then this a good start in bringing it more and more into our lives and those whom we meet, whether known or unknown.

The prayer visualizations produce a deep sense of calm and enable one to look at prayer in a different way to what one normally does. Instead of prayer being just an asking for something that we need, it becomes deeper as we look at it from a different perspective.

Derek Kemp


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Top 10 unanswerable questions of the last decade

On the ULC Seminary web site was a link to the following. I gave it a shot and am now forwarding the answers I came up with to you. :)

Top 10 unanswerable questions of the last decade:

1 What is the meaning of life?
In my view the meaning of life is a simple question to answer it is to have a meaningful life based upon what you find meaningful. Note how I did not say what others find or what others say your life should be...

2 Is there a God?
That depends a great deal on one's personal choices. The God debate is an age old battle of personal perceptions and beliefs. I prefer to view the concept of God as a God Archetype, as a state of being that many individuals strive to achieve by way of many paths. This question can really only be answered by the individual asking the question for it is heavily dependent on their individual choices and perceptions of what they consider to be a God archetype or as an archetype worthy of their particular form of worship.

3 Do blondes have more fun?
That would depend on one's perception of fun as what is fun for one person may not be for another person. The blonde hair stereotype is full of assumptions and projections. Hair color has no bearing on what is commonly viewed as "fun" as the concept of "fun" is different for each person.

4 What is the best way to lose weight?
Through a system that works. It is statistically and scientifically proven that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best overall method.  If a dieting method contributes to you losing a pound or ten pounds then that method that helped you lose ten pounds is the best method.

5 Is there anybody out there?
Sorry this question is too vague to attempt a response to.  Anybody-  as in human or something else; out there – as in ... being in the next house, country, or solar system? This particular type of question is of an open ended manner, so the open ended answer would be "maybe"

6 Who is the most famous person in the world?
The individual who has the most attention of the masses. If one expands their boundaries of "person" to include "archetypes" then I would have to answer that with the God Archetype as every culture has a name for their particular God head.

7 What is love?
The emotion of love is a chemical reaction in the mind, which enables an individual to experience the sensation of what is considered to be the emotion of love. In the field of Human bonding it is often associated with romantic relationships. The word love has reached a state of oversaturation in is use as an adjective.

8 What is the secret to happiness?
There really is no secret, as happiness is perceived differently by each individual. If you want more happiness in your life experience then find and do things that you perceive as bringing happiness to your particular level of wants and desires. Be mindful of the mental trap that many fall into where "if this or that happens I will then be happy"

9 Did Tony Soprano die?
Who is Tony Soprano? A real person or a TV character. If Tony is a TV character then it is possible that Tony's death will be left as a cliff hanger as a form of drawing attention to the TV show. The human mind likes answers and conclusions, so when something is left open and no answer is given a vast amount of time is then dedicated to finding answers.

10 How long will I live?
You will live till you die. You are born, you live for a while, then your body ceases to function and you die.  What you do with that period of time for some is more important whereas for others, the type of death experience they have is more important. To attempt to specify the exact length of time you will be alive is also dependent on what an individual perceives as being alive. Is the question meant to ask about physically being alive, if yes, then that question in that manner cannot be answered. If one means being alive as in being remembered for doing something to the benefit of mankind then that person will be remembered for a long time.

Travis Richardson


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies


Top 10 unanswerable questions of the last decade

On the ULC Seminary web site was a link to the following. I gave it a shot and am now forwarding the answers I came up with to you. :)

Top 10 unanswerable questions of the last decade:

1 What is the meaning of life?
In my view the meaning of life is a simple question to answer it is to have a meaningful life based upon what you find meaningful. Note how I did not say what others find or what others say your life should be...

2 Is there a God?
That depends a great deal on one's personal choices. The God debate is an age old battle of personal perceptions and beliefs. I prefer to view the concept of God as a God Archetype, as a state of being that many individuals strive to achieve by way of many paths. This question can really only be answered by the individual asking the question for it is heavily dependent on their individual choices and perceptions of what they consider to be a God archetype or as an archetype worthy of their particular form of worship.

3 Do blondes have more fun?
That would depend on one's perception of fun as what is fun for one person may not be for another person. The blonde hair stereotype is full of assumptions and projections. Hair color has no bearing on what is commonly viewed as "fun" as the concept of "fun" is different for each person.

4 What is the best way to lose weight?
Through a system that works. It is statistically and scientifically proven that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best overall method.  If a dieting method contributes to you losing a pound or ten pounds then that method that helped you lose ten pounds is the best method.

5 Is there anybody out there?
Sorry this question is too vague to attempt a response to.  Anybody-  as in human or something else; out there – as in ... being in the next house, country, or solar system? This particular type of question is of an open ended manner, so the open ended answer would be "maybe"

6 Who is the most famous person in the world?
The individual who has the most attention of the masses. If one expands their boundaries of "person" to include "archetypes" then I would have to answer that with the God Archetype as every culture has a name for their particular God head.

7 What is love?
The emotion of love is a chemical reaction in the mind, which enables an individual to experience the sensation of what is considered to be the emotion of love. In the field of Human bonding it is often associated with romantic relationships. The word love has reached a state of oversaturation in is use as an adjective.

8 What is the secret to happiness?
There really is no secret, as happiness is perceived differently by each individual. If you want more happiness in your life experience then find and do things that you perceive as bringing happiness to your particular level of wants and desires. Be mindful of the mental trap that many fall into where "if this or that happens I will then be happy"

9 Did Tony Soprano die?
Who is Tony Soprano? A real person or a TV character. If Tony is a TV character then it is possible that Tony's death will be left as a cliff hanger as a form of drawing attention to the TV show. The human mind likes answers and conclusions, so when something is left open and no answer is given a vast amount of time is then dedicated to finding answers.

10 How long will I live?
You will live till you die. You are born, you live for a while, then your body ceases to function and you die.  What you do with that period of time for some is more important whereas for others, the type of death experience they have is more important. To attempt to specify the exact length of time you will be alive is also dependent on what an individual perceives as being alive. Is the question meant to ask about physically being alive, if yes, then that question in that manner cannot be answered. If one means being alive as in being remembered for doing something to the benefit of mankind then that person will be remembered for a long time.

Travis Richardson


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies